Madeleine Laugeri presents a conference and two workshops on "innovating to save lives" at Concordia university in Montreal.
Florence Farion interviews Madeleine Laugeri during the broadcast Egosystème of Radio Télévision Suisse.
The Emerging Change is presented in the book Coacher groupes et organisations : la Théorie organisationnelle d'Eric Berne by François Vergonjeanne.
Fabio Balli, Sandro Fanchini and Niels Rump present a book of best practices (
in French), inspired by the Emerging Change, in their MAS work: How to encourage adherence to a participative approach? Eight good practices and points of vigilance for unifying and efficient neighborhood contracts (
in French).
The article was translated by inspired participants in Mandarin (
人际沟通分析与新兴变革,等级对话的关键), Arabic (
التغييــــر الناشئ و التحليــــل المعاملاتي : مفـــــاتيح الحـــــوار بين طبقات الهـــــرمالقيادي), Russian (
Изменения и Транзакционный анализ : Ключи к иерархическому диалогу), German (
Emergenter Wandel und Transaktionsanalyse : Schlüssel für den hierarchischen Dialog) and Polish (
Powstająca Zmiana i Analiza Transakcyjna : Kluczowe elementy dialogu hierarchicznego), in addition to Italian and English.
Fabio Balli proposes to use the Emerging Change model to dust off the Swiss tourism industry in his work "Creative teams for a successful tourism industry. Contribution to the new Swiss tourism policy" (
in French).
The article
Analisi Transazionale e Cambiamento Emergente : le chiavi del dialogo gerarchico is published in the "Rivista di AT e scienze umane Neopsyche".
The Emerging Change is the andragogical approach on which is built the Certificate of Advanced Studies Organisational Development co-directed by Madeleine Laugeri and Pierre Grand at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland.
The article
Emerging Change and Transactional Analysis: the Keys to Hierarchical Dialogue is published as a chapter of the book Growth and change for organizations edited by Gunther Mohr and Tomas Steinert.